Soli deo gloria

a Personal Statement of Faith

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I was inspired by others to add a section on my website about my faith and the ultimate drive behind all that I do. Many are aware of J. S. Bach’s practice of signing his compositions with the initials “S.D.G.” in reference to the last of the Five Solas of the Protestant Reformation. While not a composer myself, it is my hope that I leave this “mark” upon all the work that I do.

If anything I do be for the glory of Man, then it is vanity, as there is none worthy of praise and honor and glory except the Son of Man (Jesus), and with Him, the Father and the Holy Spirit. It is because of Him that I strive for honesty, excellence, love, and respect in all of my dealings with men and women. It is my intent that my character and artistry reflect the character of the triune God of scripture and thus bring Him glory.

A thorough expression of my faith views can be found in the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith.